omeprazole for reflux on 10wk old?

My 10 week old was just prescribed omeprazole for her reflux. She has been crying non stop since she was 2 weeks old. We thought it was gas and gave her probiotics with my breastmilk. She was still inconsolable, she would spit up after ever feeding and wake up from naps in a coughing/choking struggling to breathe. Pediatrician prescribed 2.5 ml of omeprazole, and 5 days in she’s changed completely — happy, no choking, sleeping through the night and day time napping normally, etc. After doing a bit more of googling the medication there seems to be some serious risks and apparently it’s for kids 1yr+. I’m thinking of stopping immediately. Has anyone else used this on their LO? If so, how did it go?