5 y/o who might be on the spectrum...


Hey moms how do you get your 5 y/o to engage in school work? We’ve been doing sight words and my daughters confidence just isn’t there. I usually start her off in the mirror telling to tell herself she is smart, she will not quit; she can do it. I have her say it loud. So that she can hear herself... but I’m not sure if I’m not giving it enough time, she doesn’t have a behavioral appointment until September but I’m not sure I’m which ways I can help her learn... she’ll get it the first 5 minutes and then she’ll just forgot like it just vanishes from her head like we never even went over it ... I’m not sure what to do. It’s hard not to feel like your failing... but I just don’t know if it needs to be fun for her... I try to tell her these are all words that you already use in your vocabulary everyday, but it just doesn’t matter to her... she can remember song lyrics and things she sees on tv but nothing educational... and all she wants to do is play with toys.... she never wants to learn, and always frowns upon it when I bring it up it’s like she shuts down... I just need help advice tips..

Also we’ve used things like LeapFrog, reading apps, YouTube for sight words, we’ve used apps called “IntellectoKids”, Teach Monster, and it’s like on the apps she just wants to play the games, she doesn’t listen to what she’s suppose to do, I tried to make it fun for her , my I don’t think she’s grasping the lessons they are trying to teach her. Her dad also doesn’t help 🙄😭😭 I just don’t know what to do or where to turn to anymore