First born pretty positive labor ✨

Kimberly • 20 Years Old TTC Baby #1 << Born In Aug 2020 🫶🏽 Trying for baby #2 at 24 years old 💫💫

Around 31 weeks or so of my pregnancy I was diagnosed with mild preeclampsia. It never progressed over a +1. From 31-39 weeks my blood pressure would jump up and down. So I get to the hospital when I was about 34 weeks I was diagnosed with asymptomatic covid-19. That really traumatized me all I could think about was my baby would I have a normal labor will I be alone ? I cried for 14 days because I barely went anywhere and etc soon enough after 14 days I was back at my normal appts and made it just in time for my baby growth scan at 36 weeks and 6 days. They said she was perfectly fine and was about 6lbs 3oz and if she went full term she would be nearly 8lbs I was surprised. After the whole covid thing and I was near my due date I asked to be induced they said they couldn’t do it bc of the covid rules in the hospital that I couldn’t be induced unless I had a real medical reason why.

So randomly my doctor decided that on my due date he wouldn’t wait another day for delivery and to go in on 08/05 at 4am. I get there and was addressed by name at the front door. My husband parked the car I grabbed the small bag and waited for him to bring the baggage. So they immediately attempt to start the IV they had 3-4 attempts to poke me bc my veins are very deep and they curve that was one of the most irritating and painful parts but I knew that i could take the pain. So finally about 2 hours later we get an IV started.

They had placed the cervix thinner pill inside of me. I was already 2cm-2.5 cm and 70-80% effaced. My doctor told me that if everything works ok I should have her by 8pm. I heard of plenty of first time moms being in labor for days or many hours at a time I couldn’t believe he had expected my baby at that time lol but anywho the first pill didn’t work. So they added the second one and boy did it work I went to a 4cm. They had like three people check me because I was fully effaced and they couldn’t figure out if I was a 5,6 or 7. I was still at a 4. I’m chilling I told them that If these are contractions my period feels worse then this. LORD WHY DID I say that ????

Shortly after that They started to come every 3-5 mins STRONG. Everytime they came I would squirm and try my best to breathe it hurts so damn bad. My boyfriend I was grabbing and tugging him holding his hand. It had me in so much pain that I was pissed at the world I didn’t want anyone to talk to me. I wanted EPIDURAL NOW! I begged for an epidural it was around 6:00-6:30 pm. The epidural guy was trying to make conversation with me and I couldn’t talk lol About an hour later my nurse comes in to check me. She reached her hand in I am at a 6 and lots of fluid gushes out. They had me getting fluids then they would give me pitocin they said I would only need a small dose since my body was progressing on its own. Epidural is the best invention on planet I am relaxed I took several naps in between the nurses bothering me. The nurse came in and said that due to my body weight mass I gained that my baby will be big and her shoulders will be stuck so if people come in and push my legs to my shoulders don’t be surprised when you see plenty of people in here I wasn’t exactly scared but I was like what the hell type of baby am I about to push out but whatever I can’t back out now 😬😂

Nurse shift change to the night time about 7pm. Around 10:30 pm she checked me and said that I am at a 10. They had me do some practice pushes and said that they were perfect. She said that she will call my doctor but first they want me to allow my body to push her down on its own. Boy I felt pressure I got another shot of epidural in because I started to feel slight pressure compared to me not feeling everything and it worked. So about an hour later it’s time. I pushed 4 times and she’s here. I had a first degree almost second degree tear. Now here is the plot twist y’all my baby was only 6lbs and 1 ounce and 19.6 inches 😳 come to find out the placenta stopped working after a while I suspect the week of my growth scan 🤔 but she is 5 days old. I love her so much and I would do it all over and over again for my beautiful healthy baby girl! 🎀💕

Sorry that my story was long but I loved reading all of your stories and I hope that you had enjoyed mines.