Birth story of this FTM


Since visiting the Dr, I have had "elevated blood pressure" since about 28 weeks or so. Needless to say, at my 37 week visit they schedule an induction for that Sunday (8-9-20). I went in at 5pm, my husband had to wait in the lobby bcuz they didn't tell us he couldn't come back till my Covid test was done (it was negative, thank God). They started my IV, got me all checked in, and then we waited. I was only 1cm when we checked, but my effacement was going good so they decided to see how things progressed naturally. Dialation was going up some, but my water still hadn't broke by 1pm the next day. They started me on Pitocin to see if it could help activate stuff and get my water to break naturally (spoiler alert: it did not). Around 5 or 6 we decided to go ahead and break my water. I had no Epidural or pain medicine to this point. The contractions were strong then diminished and came back with the Pitocin. The water breaking experience hurt and sucked but it definitely jump started things. I asked to go ahead and start my fluid intake (had to have 800 before epidural) shortly after. The water breaking kicked my contractions into high gear, and pooping. I remember being in the bathroom, pooping so much and they were like "We have to get you back to bed so you don't have him in the toilet". I got in bed, nurses checked and I was 7 cm dilated a little before 7 on 8-10-20. They kept checking in on me and after my nurse left the last time at 7:10pm I told my husband "OMG! You have to get them in here. I have to push. Call them now!" They came in and didn't believe me at first bcuz baby was still high up but I knew my body, even as a FTM, and what it was telling me to do. I started pushing. I pushed and pushed and it was so hard. The pressure in my head, the pain I felt, everything. Oh yeah! I went complete BEFORE I could get an epidural so no luck for me there. She told me in the next 3 contractions you can have your baby. I had him in the next one. I gave 3 strong pushes, I heard her say "I see a nose" and one more strong push and I felt him slide right out. I was screaming and everyone around probably thought it was a madhouse, but here we are with our sweet baby boy weighing in at 8lbs 6oz 20 1/2 inches long and we couldn't be more in love. I had a lot of tearing. My uterus tore and vaginal tearing, so still a long recovery for mama. My husband has been amazing, above and beyond. Even the nurses say it's the best experience they've had with a dad. So please pray for my sweet husband and son, and that mommy makes a speedy recovery. 💙