Estimated Delivery Date Question!


Hey Experienced Twin Mamas! Quick question for you! I’m almost 17 weeks with my di/di girls and finally met my doc today. She went ahead and scheduled my csection for 37 +5 weeks, I have to deliver by csection since I’ve had them already. She mentioned she doesn’t expect me to make it this far due to my chronic hypertension and that many twin pregnancies deliver around 34-36 weeks. She said I need to come in for weekly visits starting at 24 weeks and then I’ll also have twin heart monitoring weekly at 30 weeks. She said my fundal height is measuring 6 weeks ahead which is normal.

Does anyone have experience with BP issues during pregnancy? I didn’t have these issues with my last 3, I was diagnosed last December and got pregnant through <a href="">IVF</a> in May.

Thanks for any insight!!