What should I do?


So on Friday 8/7 I had to go to the doc for a colposcopy, of course I bleed for the next few days, but very very light. I have been trying for a baby now so I’ve been using opks. I knew this week I was going to be fertile and eventually ovulate. I had my first peak Sunday night, next morning, Monday, I BD !! I took 2 opks that day and were both positive (: but in the afternoon I started bleeding, it was more than spotting but I also noticed my CM was like egg whites. I was worried. Yesterday 8/11 I took 2 more opks and were still positive, but I was still bleeding, maybe it could be from the colposcopy? The dr did take a piece of my cervix for more tests so maybe my cervix hasn’t healed ? I really want to get pregnant. I hope I did ovulate and that the blood isn’t from something else.