What is going on?! - tests pictured below !

Ovulated CD24 -mild-medium cramps on/off from O until 11DPO and then no cramps.

9DPO FMU VVVVVVVFL (confirmed O with BBT). Temp 98.20

11DPO FMU line slightly darker

12DPO FMU woke up, tested while waiting - wiped and blood! (Tests lines lighter) went and got HCG drawn and it was 12 @ 3 weeks 5 days. at this point bleeding was heavy, dark, lots of clots and BAD cramps

—So I’ll assuming I’m having a chemical miscarriage—

13DPO DIDNT TEST PICTURE SHOULD SAY 12DPO NOT 13 - flow still medium heavy with clots

14DPO - FMU tests getting slightly darker again - still bleeding medium/light but also ewcm like stuff mixed in too, clots, very mild cramps in morning. Temp 97.57

15DPO TODAY - FMU test lines are darker - still bleeding medium/light, no cramps, temp is down as well at 97.52

I’m very confused with what’s going on. I read this could be a possible ectopic?

Shouldn’t my tests be getting lighter not darker especially with a temp drop and bleeding and such?!

Anyone have this happen? What was the result?