Weed is ruining my relationship

When I first met my bf last December, he was this super sweet, thoughtful, caring, and motivated guy. He was the most thoughtful guy I’ve ever met. I said yes to being his girlfriend because I really thought I met someone that would finally match my thoughtfulness and be able to have a healthy two sided equal relationship.

Since the pandemic began, my bf started smoking weed again. He quit years ago bc of his mental health but now is doing it again. He said he’s doing it because there’s nothing else to do or go. So he gets high everyday and plays video games. Also to relieve stress from work. I really did not mind this at first. If he wanted to relieve stress, I’m not gonna stop him!! But it’s gotten to the point where this entire summer, I’ve only seen him on Saturday’s. He never wants to see me any other day so that he can smoke weed. When it’s time for him to leave, I feel him rushing to go home to smoke weed. I feel like it’s gotten to the point where he values smoking more than me. He’s not as thoughtful and since he’s always so relaxed, he’s never missing me or worrying about what I’m doing or our relationship. It’s always me that’s anxious and stressed out. I feel like I’m not entertaining enough or not good enough because he started doing it again with me. He used to workout and was healthy, now he doesn’t. I want to be with someone where we make each other better and motivate each other. I’m nursing student!!! And I have so much compassion. I would be there for him if he wanted to stop. But I don’t think he will and I have no place telling him to. I don’t want to be controlling or him to resent me if i tell him this. I don’t know what to do. When he’s not high, he’s such a thoughtful and sweet boyfriend. I love him. Thinking about walking away from him breaks my heart. Idk what i should do. Please help me.