Might have an August baby!

Sarah • tml. 💍 | klg. 👑 | ejl. 👼🏼 | hal. 🌈 | fmcl. 🦁

Baby Update:

I am 37 weeks today, due September 3! I had another ultrasound to check my fluid bc it was low with my daughter’s pregnancy so we’ve been keeping an eye on it this time. It’s a tad lower than last week but still within good range. My placenta has a small amount of calcification on it but my OB said that can sometimes happen before my fluid decides to get low.

OB said baby is on the smaller side. He is about 5lbs 9oz according to ultrasound, but since I’m so far along, weight isn’t 100% accurate so give or take a few ounces or so.

I have another ultrasound on Tuesday to check everything again and if anything changes, he said I might be scheduled to be induced, we just have to wait and see.