Does this even make sense??? Please help

Ashley • Fam of 3 👨‍👩‍👦with the love of my life and his son. 👼🏼💔😭MC with our son Karter and D&C on 10/4/19. TTC rainbow baby🌈👶🏼🙏🏼

This cycle is my first time ever using OPK’s in my 17yrs total TTC. Because I have PCOS, I was always told they wouldn’t work for me. I wanted to try them though, since this time around, we’ve been TTC for so long and aren’t getting pregnant. I used the OPK part on this app where you match your test up with the window on the screen, and it takes a pic, then shows a scale and tells you where you’re at fertility wise—Sorry, I’m sure you all know what I’m talking about, I’ve just never went the OPK route before. Anyways, the night of CD 18 is when I got my first positive. Glow showed it wasn’t the darkest though. I reached the darkest, most positive on CD 20. So on my calendar every day that I got a positive, my Ovulation day was pushed back. It ended up being pushed back until CD20. Then it got lighter and negative after CD20. So does that mean I really did ovulate on CD20?? Am I really 4 DPO, as of August 13th?? How long did I ovulate for?? I NEVER ovulate, but my Clomid was increased, this cycle, to 150mg since I was on my 5th cycle being on it..and 2nd round, and I very rarely have ovulated. Maybe a couple times in a couple years. That I’m aware of anyways. I had all the signs and symptoms this cycle, that I did indeed ovulate. And now I feel like I’m getting some pregnancy symptoms🙏🏼🙏🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 Nausea being the main one. Would I feel symptoms 4DPO?? Around how many DPO until implantation?? So, do my Ovulation strips look like how they should look?? Is there supposed to be 2 lines everyday?? Does it look like OPK’s do work for me?? Thank you so much ladies in advance for any and all help XoX

Please disregard the writing that’s not legible, that’s just to the right of my last 4 tests. Thanks