Am I rude??

My child's father (or sperm donor as I like to call him because he's done nothing for our child) is never around. Literally has seen our 3 year old 10 times in his entire life. And he lives 30 minutes away. Not like he's in a different country.

Anyways. Its about that time where he reaches out missing his child. Its been about 6 months since he last saw him. Of course covid played a factor there.

But whenever he usually asks, I do genuinely try to give him the opportunity (that way he can never accuse me of holding his child from him)

There is no court order in place. It was just oh youre pregnant? Bye. Then sorry. And you're a good mom. And can I see him next month. Besides that, he never asks to take him for a weekend. Or even out for that matter. Doesnt want custody. Doesn't support in any way. And I'm pretty self sufficient and thankfully don't need to take him to court because I genuinely do not need his help physically or financially. We're good. And there's no fighting regarding our child when it comes to custody/court/support/etc.

Anyways I have moved forward with my life. I have been dating this guy for a year and a half now. We just moved in together (April 2020 - we were waiting for his lease to be up). No problem. Its been good so far. I know its early as heck lol but he is amazing with my son and always has been.

Long story short here, my boyfriend is aware of my child's fathers lack of involvement. And he's not a person to stir the pot but very open and honestly he is not a fan of him because he just can't understand why a guy would more less abandon and not want to be a huge part of their kids life even if the parents aren't together. My boyfriend also said that he is a little uncomfortable with the idea of my childs father coming over to the home we now share and sitting on our new couch and playing dad to my son who hes practically adopted as his own son and who he helps care for. I respect that. Yes our son should see his dad. But no where does it say it has to be in our home. Totally valid. And frankly i have more respect for the man who stepped up to be a dad to my child.

I told my childs father that we can figure out a place to meet or I could bring our son to him, or his moms place or something so he could spend time with him. And he said I'm rude for not just letting him come visit at my place. Thoughts?