Had a scare! 😳❤️🙌🏻🌈

MyLittleButtercup • Mama. Wife. Teacher. My girl is 4 and my little miracle dude is 2. It’s been a wild ride! 🎉🤷🏼‍♀️

Everything’s okay, but this baby’s getting a spanking when it gets here for scaring the crap out of me! 😂😂😂

So I had an appointment today (36w4d) with my regular OB and despite my stepdaughter testing positive for COVID, they still wanted me to come in since I was so close to the end. My MFM doctor said he didn’t want me to come in and scheduled my usual ultrasound with my regular OB instead of him.

SOOOOO, I went in and the tech was looking for the heartbeat and the lungs “practice breathing” and the baby was so still. Which is unusual since this baby is so active. I could see a little heart beating, but that was about it. I stayed in there for about 45 minutes and still not much movement at all. So they brought me into another room and hooked me up to a fetal monitor to do an NST. I told the nurse that I hadn’t eaten anything this morning because I left the house in such a hurry, so they brought me some water and crackers. Soon enough, my wiggly baby was moving around everywhere! So much so that my doctor couldn’t even strap the monitor to me. She finally said, “I’m going to go ahead and say your baby is fine. It’s moving so much that I can’t even keep the monitor in the right spot long enough to measure the constant heartbeat before this baby wiggles to the other side.”

Ever since, baby has been rolling and thumping and kicking everywhere! I was so freaked out at first though!! I thought I was about to get induced and then I’d have to labor alone because my husband is quarantined with my SD for COVID for another week and a half and I was just freaking out. So glad this baby is safe and wiggly!