
My bf has depression & anxiety . He has had a rough childhood too.. I need help on how to keep this relationship stable on my end without worry about it falling off😩 I think everyday “ what if he wakes up one day and decides to leave me”. We both love each other and got off to a rough start in the beginning of our relationship.. Sometimes I don’t know what to say. He doesn’t like texting alot. ( he isn’t lying. I seen his phone multiple times & how he puts it down right after he previews the text, but never texts back) . I really need help. I can honestly say this is my first honest relationship. He is so straight forward & honest & sweet... He has never lied to me.. We connect better in person but over text it makes me doubt our relationship.. ( And I Hate That) ... We’re taking things slow. We don’t go on many dates ( something I miss alot) because he is trying to get his life in order. My intuition is telling me yo be patient with him. I really am, but its soo hard..
