Need ideas on how to get my man to have sex with me!

Hello! A little back story, I been struggling for at least the past year on trying to get my SO to have sex with me. We been together for 3 years and I feel like we are still early in our relationship for us to already not have sex. One of our main fights is always about sex, because when I try to go to him and ask him why he is not interested in sex anymore or what happened to our sex life because the first year or so we would have sex almost everyday. He denies there is a problem and always makes me feel bad by saying he doesn’t have to always have sex with me and how maybe he is not as sexually active as me. We go weeks without sex and when we do finally have sex is normally because I forced it. Like I have to suck him off to make him get in the mood and then to only get 2 mins of sex. Normally in the end I’m not satisfied because he does almost zero touching and does not do anything to please me. He never is the one to want sex with me or come and touch me or even act interested in me. Most of the times when I try to touch him or kiss him to lead to sex he says later or not right now. Or he’s tired or just closes his eyes to act like hesgoing to sleep and things get awkward for me because I feel like I’m just touching a dead body lol. I don’t know how to make him interested in me I been feeling like he is not into my body and can’t enjoy sex with me. With how much he says no to me and how he never touches me any a sexual way I feel so insecure about myself now. Also made me wonder if he’s into somebody at work or if he’s watching a lot of porn idk. He has made comments about liking thicker woman with big asses, and I’m the opposite I’m thin and I don’t have a butt lol so I feel that has a lot to do with it sometimes. I dont want to give up on our sex life because I love him so much and I just want to feel wanted by him so bad so if there is any advice on how to get a mans attention I would love to hear it!