Don’t want to make this a bigger issue than it is...

I don’t mean to sound dramatic and act like social media isn’t a big part of my life (it is). However, I’ve realized that it takes a toll on my insecurities, overwhelm ness, and overthinking. About 3 months ago I deleted twitter because I found it taking up soooo much of my time and constantly stressing me out by all of the negativity/ competitions. I have a lot of friends of which I have ended on not so great terms with. Some were from highschool, some a little later in life. I’m 20 years old now and I still constantly feel like I need to “impress” them or “compete” with them because that’s how it feels in return. I’ve also felt like they look over my page quite often (people have told me that it happens) and I just want to get my mental health back on track before I start this new program in college. I recently moved out of my hometown and I always hear people say it’s best to just delete all of those people and start fresh. I have great friends in my new city and just feel like it’s constantly setting me back. I know this whole thing barely makes sense but if there’s anyone who even remotely understands how I feel please vote. Other than a few select people I find so much joy in sharing my life on Instagram/snap. I’m just stuck between unfollowing and just not doing anything about it and let them keep following me/ me constantly comparing/competing. I do not hate these people by any means because friends come and go, but would it be petty to unfollow these people I’ve known for so long? I’m probably overthinking it but just from y’alls experience I could use some advice

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