Clomid v Letrozole

Emily • ❤️7/14/15 💍 4/13/19 💙 Skylar Joseph 6/27/21 💙

Long story short I was diagnosed 8 yrs ago with PCOS and my husband and I have been ttc almost 2 years.

Finally got to go through our first round of clomid last month and none of our OPKs were even close to positive (pics below). I went for a follicular scan on CD12 and none of my follicles were very big. Biggest was a 7 and she was hoping at least for 10-15.

Fast forward to this month and we’re doing a blind round of Letrozole 5mg once a day CD5-CD9. The line progression on these OPKs has been intense! Definitely feeling more positive this time around (pics below) and I love love love that I can fb message my dr - even when she is on vacation - and she gets just as excited as me. Praying for our sticky bean and that this will be our month!!