Can’t wait


So this is a long story it started at my 30 week appointment....I was told I have gestational diabetes which is fine because I’m right on the border line so all I had to do was change my diet a little. Well they wanted to and ultrasound at 30 weeks to get the babies measurements and was told he had a brain bleed and measuring small. They sent me for a MRI the next week. I then talked to the doctor the following week. They don’t think it is a brain bleed but he had what they call Agenesis of corpus callosum. They don’t know his outcome when I have a c-section just that he may have mild symptoms and behind on his milestones or it could be serve. I am so scare and all I want to do is hold him. I’m due September 9th for my C-Section and I can’t wait. Are there any moms that had babies this I would love to chat?