It all started when I was having contractions every 20-25 mins and it was mild so I wasn’t really wo...

It all started when I was having contractions every 20-25 mins and it was mild so I wasn’t really worried about it later it turned to every 15 mins and a little stronger but still manageable (sometimes it got stronger then others) so I called the number they told me to call if I had any concerns of what I’m feelings and they said I could go in they checked to see if I was Dilating and I just dilated 1 cm so I thought it was still going to be a couple days before I go in actual birth because I thought it takes a long time to dilated for some reason lol so I went home.. but the contractions got worse to the point where I was crying cause the pain was so bad So I called again and they said to take some Tylenol and if the pain still won’t go away to call them back and to go in.. so I took the Tylenol didn’t work the pain was so bad I couldn’t even walk or talk. So I went in and I went from 1cm to 4 in like an hour I left the first time but I wasn’t in labor yet so they gave me some pain medications but let me stay at the hospital and checked up on me 2 hours later to see if I can go to 6cm and able to go to go into labor 2 hours later I was at 6cm. I was feeling so much pain they gave me the epidural. The epidural was amazing I didn’t feel a thing! My labor was 2 hours long but at the end it was perfect! She’s my everything and I can’t wait to take her home☺️