
I have had depression since I was a teenager I got put on antidepressants and they seemed to work but a lot has happened in the last year and depression has creeped back into my life I have the added problem of just coming out to my family as bisexual and I have been struggling with a eating disorder caused by years of bullying about my weight since I was a teenager had a bad break up with my boyfriend after I discovered he was cheating on me one of my family members is very I'll and I just can't cope it's all too much for me but I put on a smile and pretend to be ok but inside my heart is in a trillion pieces I sat in my front room crying my eyes out over nothing depression is such a hard illness to cope with it's a demon set out to destroy your happiness your soul and your every being I keep trying to fight it but it keeps returning I feel alone isolated afraid and ok not in a good place but I hide how i feel to my colleagues and smile and pretend to be ok I feel like the world is one one side of the wall and on my side is a black mass that is threatening to envelope me at any moment I just don't know who to turn to I feel so alone and hurt and lost does anyone else feel like this or is it in my head x