Even on my birthday

My mom has been really toxic towards me. I am dependent on her bc I’m in nursing school RN, going into my senior year. I listen to her rules, I don’t do anything bad, I’m a good kid.

I’ve been dating this guy for seven months and see critiques EVERYTHINGGGGG we do. She thinks we r always too much in the basement so this weekend I made sure we ate in the dinning room and cooked together in the kitchen, and now it’s my birthday today and she’s got something say. She’s mad that he took out her spice rack and didn’t put them in the exact order. Also he did the dishes on his own and i told her that and she said “well he didn’t do that one” (the one pan that was burning hot at the time we washed). Are u kidding me??? She’s also mad that we drank alcohol. We are 24 and 25. And it was our bday celebrations. Shes also mad because he’s nervous to talk to my dad. U know what she said??? “Is he on the spectrum or something” HOW FUCKING DARE SHE??? THATS FUCKING DISGUSTING!!!!!! He’s a very very sweet guy and super polite idk wtf is her issue?? She keeps screaming at me saying when I get money I’m gonna leave with this guy like HUUUH???? What the hell!! And to make matters even worse, my brother always has girlfriends and I have never heard her judge it this hard. She’s always up his girlfriend’s asses and telling me how pretty they are and how I should dress like them.

It’s so weird to me and I’m so fed up. She also get mad bc I cooked with him and have never cooked for her... but when I have in the past she wouldn’t even try my food??? I’m starting to feel like she’s extremely jealous and bitter of something but I can’t figure it out? She also used to slut shame me bc of the clothing I wore (it wasn’t bad at all) but she hasn’t in awhile. I just don’t understand. She’s mad bc I always stay in my room but she doesn’t see how much she’s pushing me away!!!! She’s a great mom idk why she’s acting like this ever since I got a boyfriend. Like extremely mean. She’s mad bc my bf and I won’t hang out with her and my dad too. Like HUHHH?? It’s my relationship!!!!! We haven’t even been dating a year my god!!! It’s crazy! I am losing my mind. He’s also not white so maybe that’s the reason why she’s so fucking angry. Which is also so gross and disgusting. I am so upset. Please help me.