Sanaia Marie❤️ Born 8/17/2020 @ 3:36pm

Sanaia Marie❤️ Born 8/17/2020 @ 3:36pm.
Her original due date was 8/19/2020. I had an elective induction for two reasons. One I was TIRED of being pregnant (I have a 6 yr old son & he was WAY easier on me). Two my amniotic fluid levels kept dropping. My last appt I was at an 8 & they said as long as she didn't drop below a 5 she would be fine, but I was nervous & didn't want to risk it as just a week before I was at a 9.
Checked in to L&D at 9am. Asked a bunch of questions & my nurses had to stick me 4 times before being able to draw blood (super dehydrated) but fifth times a charm. I was told I was 4cm dilated at my last appt (last Wednesday) but when I arrived I was told I was more so 3cm. Started pitocin at 10am. Nurse came in every half hour to increase it. Around 11am I wanted my epidural. It wasnt unbearable, but I didn't want to get to the point where it was too late. Nurse insisted we wait until noon/1230pm so I could finish this bolus & when contractions picked up. Fast forward to 1245 I am in PAIN. I tell another nurse I'm ready for my epidural & she says she will call the anesthesiologist & let my nurse know. My nurse comes in around 1pm & sees how much pain I'm in & assures me the guy is on his way. She tries to apply accupressure on my hand during contractions that surprisingly did ease a little of my pain. 1:30pm he walks in, I'm in literal tears. Nurse is talking to me & trying to calm me down but all I want is the epidural! She checks me really quickly & I am at 7cm. 1:45pm I can't feel a thing from the waist down. THANK YOU LORD & MICHAEL (the anesthesiologist). 2pm the doctor comes in & I'm at 8cm. I tested positive for GBS so my second dose of penicillin wasn't due until 2:30pm. After we got that started & finished the doctor would be in to break my water. 3:15pm doctor comes in & says I'm at 10cm we're ready to push. Breaks my water & tells me to practice push - I can't feel a thing I'm so numb. "You're a rockstar, lets do the real thing." 3:36pm my bundle of joy is here💞 I am so inlove!