Moms of two or more


Am I the only one who’s overwhelmed. I know I don’t really ask for help and my husband is amazing but sometimes I’m just sooo angry.

It’s more so near bedtime when the kids are extra rowdy, baby gets fussy. It’s bedtime and my husband NEEDS to go to bed early as he wakes up at 4am to work in the scorching sun all day (he works in construction). This is in no way about him. I’m just explaining the night.

So I have to gather my two older ones and they want to play and take their time instead of brushing their teeth. Baby won’t stop crying after his bath because he’s ready for bed. And I feel like I just snap.

Idk what to do to stop being this way. I’ve never been patient but I don’t want to be an angry mom 😭😭😭

Then the mom guilt comes and I feel like the worse wife and mom ever. 😢