She is here

SS 🌸
She is here!!! 
After what can only be described as a whirlwind, at 40w + 3 days Blakely Marie Seinen joined us November 14tg at 8:23pm via emergency csection 6 lbs 4 oz, 19.5" long. I experienced a slow fluid leak that turns out was water (and I was b strep pos). We went in Friday night for a just in case check and were told we weren't leaving... 1 dose Cervadyl and the maximum amount of Oxytocin drip, 1cm progression. 24 hours after arriving at the hospital they informed us that we were dosed out and section was the only option. Very emotional day, but this tiny angel is now safe in our arms, we are smitten beyond belief 💞💞💞 And for those who stayed team green - hold strong even when you get ansy, the most incredible surprise EVER!!!!!