1st dr.s appt...

Went ok. I was really hoping for assurance that I wouldn't lose this baby this time but of course he can't do that. He tells me to continue to live my life and not to overeat as the baby is only growing from a pea to a peanut right now. He took 9 viles of blood in which half the stuff he's testing for I handed him my results from SRM when they tested me for things like ABO typing Rh factor and such. Who knows. But I was so exhausted after the appointment I fell asleep at 6:15 last night and didn't wake up until 5 this morning. I never usually sleep that long. Has anyone else slept like that? Is it normal? I feel so emotional today about everything. 😊😯😑😢😩😭 lol I'm a roller coaster of emotions.