Wake windows

l y s h✌🏻 • Mama x 5 🤍 + 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

No matter what I do, I cannot get my 13 week old to stay awake for longer than 60 minutes. Once we get to 45 minutes I have to swaddle and paci him up and get ready for rocking to put in crib or all he’ll breaks loose. If he isn’t in his bed going to sleep by 60 minutes then it’s a scream fest and it’ll take hours to get him down for a nap. I thought I remember my other babes staying awake longer and being happier by this age? :( he’s still sleeping 16-17hrs total I think. But in cat naps like 20-45 minutes. Sometimes a longer stretch if I put him in swing.

He was born a month early but I don’t remember my other preemie being such a “high needs babe” .. and it’s weird. This is like every other day. Yesterday he was happy and alert all day and went down for naps easily but I think I caught his sleepy cues in time. Today he’s a mess. Oi. Every baby is so different 🤷🏼‍♀️