2nd round of Clomid🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Lisa • 32. Married to high school sweetheart ♥️ Nurse, equestrian 🐴 TTCbaby #1! First round of clomid ✅ July 2020-🤞🏻🤞🏻

First round was 50mg, days 5-9 last month. We missed BD

the two days before peak ovulation...I went from nothing on my strips for 3 days, didn’t test for 2 days and went nothing to peak when I tested!

I’m on 100mg, day 2 today. Hoping this is our month ♥️♥️ we are male factor infertility (although barely, his motility is just slightly low). My tests are all normal, and I ovulate every month, were just trying to boost my ovulation with the clomid. My husband is also on 25mg of clomid a day too. I’m praying this works, I deleted social media to reduce stress/anxiety/screen time and promote relaxation. I only come on here once a day. Trying more self care, ride my horse, walk my dogs, work less (I’m a nurse on a busy unit) I. Anyone else on clomid...needing some support buddies♥️