Amazing labor and delivery (second time mom)


I went in to be induced at 39+2. I was already 4cm and 50% effaced when I went in. They gave me cytotec at 3pm and that started my contractions. They quickly became 2-3 minutes apart and were painful but tolerable. My husband and I were just walking laps in the hospital to help me progress and we were joking around and laughing the whole time just excited to have our baby! At 6pm my nurse and doctor told me they’d break my waters at 7pm and I knew that contractions would get a lot more intense so I chose to get the epidural beforehand. My epidural finally got placed at 7pm and they kept me switching sides to really get it working until they finally broke my water at 8pm. When they broke my water I was still only 5cm dilated (was hoping to be at least 6). I could still feel tightenings from my contractions and was really worried that I’d be in pain when it was time to push! But only an hour and a half later at 9:30pm I started feeling a lot of pressure in my butt. I called my nurse in and she checked me and sure enough I was 10cm and ready to push! We were so shocked at how fast it went. They had me do a practice push and baby was right there so they got all their stuff ready and told me this baby would be out within 15 minutes (I pushed 2 hours with my first). 6 pushes later and he was here! I don’t think I pushed for longer then 10 minutes. They let us wait to cut the cord until all the blood pumped through and he went on my chest as soon as he was out and stayed there for a good 2 hours. It was such a calm and pain free experience that I was able to fully enjoy with my husband. Baby is perfectly healthy and I’m healing really nicely!

Auggie Christopher

7lbs 2oz 20.5 inches 🤍