Pregnant... PLEASE read

Haley • 20, country as they come. Horses are my life. Happily in love ❤️
My SO and I made sure to have sex everyday through my fertile window. I am 8 days before my period starts.. When is the earliest I can take a pregnancy test to know if I am or not? I have already been feeling weird and wanting things I wouldn't normally want. And after I eat somethin I feel sick.. So idk if that's just me or what.. Any advice or anything would be greatly appreciated . 
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Though you may be having all these symptoms, it's best to wait till the day after your missed period. If you take one too early, you could get a false negative or a false positive. 


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It would be most accurate if you waited until the day you are expecting your period to start


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I tested 3 days before AF and got my (+). I'm not sure if I could of tested earlier but anyways yes. I got it that soon


Posted at
5 days before my missed period I got a negative 4 days before my period I got a positive I'm now 16 weeks good luck x


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From personal experience u could take. But u won't be feeling those kind of changes that early :/ sore nipples and a tummy ache. Sometimes a mucus like discharge. Good luck!!


Haley • Sep 17, 2014
That's what I mean when I say feel sick after I eat. My stomach just hurts. Idk though , fingers crossed.