Random Potty Training Questions.


I’ve started some reading, as I want to be prepared when my daughter is ready. She’s not there yet, but she is able to tell me with sign language when she pees or poops and she asks me to change her diaper. We will follow her cues a bit, but we’re hoping to start the process around 22-24 months.

My questions are this: How does bedtime work? I haven’t gotten far enough in my reading, so maybe it gets covered. Ha. We always thought we would keep her in her crib as long as possible, as it keeps her contained. BUT, if she is potty trained, I would imagine she might get up at night to pee? Or would she just go in a pull-up? Seems like a strange habit to encourage.

Would she need to be in a big girl bed before potty training? Also, would she need to have access to the bathroom? I assume yes.

This is all very overwhelming, as I am due with our second in February. Also, my daughter sleeps on a different level of the house than us.