Stressed to the MAX! 😣

Don't judge me I just really need advice .. So I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was 5 weeks. I think before & during that time I was on a break with the person I was with for two years and had sex with and ex. I'm trying to do the math in my head to see when what happend and how but I just can't seem to remember. I really wouldn't know what to so if it's my exs baby because he just isnt father material. The man I was on a break with are together now and we could never get pregnant before that's what really has me thinking it's my exs. But when me and my present bf did it I was ovulating .. Could it be luck? Or is it my exs? It would truly crush me, my relationship, just everything. When I told my bf I was pregnant I didn't think anything of it being someone else's. Later on down the line it started to pop up on my head more and more & MORE! My guy is an amazing guy and he's excited that I'm the mother of his child I don't want to talk to him about it because he hates my ex and he's really sensitive. I'm so scared. I don't want the day I give birth to be hell and I don't want to stress about it now when it could be nothing. I just really don't know what to do 😩 help please!