Anyone else experience this? !!Trigger warning!! Mentions assault

So I’m in L&D right now. I’m having some gastric pain and they want to clear me real quick before they send me down to the ER but that’s not the point of this post. I’m sure there are other moms in here that have been sexually assaulted/raped before. Mine happens years ago when I was I teenager and they asked me today if I had a history of sexual assault or rape and I told them yes to both and the nurse made me go into full detail about how it happened, who it was, if he was arrested and just made me feel so uncomfortable. I’ve never had this happen before and I was almost in tears telling her. It’s definitely not something I like to talk about so when she basically forced me to tell her it really upset me. Has this happened to anyone before? Or is this nurse just completely unprofessional?