i guess im out. baby dust to all the women still waiting to test and TTC :(

🌸Kayla🌸 • 🌸 25 y/o🌸 2/25/22🩵🌈 PCOS warrior

well, its 2:55am. my partner and i just had sex about 40 minute ago. i went to the bathroom about 20 minutes after only to wipe and have it be tinged light pink :(.

Glow prediction is on point since today is supposed to be the first day of my period and its tinged pink when i wipe. So im spotting which always happens day one if my period. day 2 is heavy flow and so is day 3 but heavier. day 4 is medium/light flow and day 5 is light/light spotting and then my period ends. i have a 5 day period.

im having no symptoms. just a head ache and nausea and mildly tender nipples which is absolutely CRAZY, i never get nauseated leading up to or on my period. i usually get very bad cramps leading up to my period and on my period.

looks like i am officially out for this month 😔

unless it's implantation bleeding but that seems kinda late for implantation cause im 13 DPO today, and implantation bleeding is a secure method of a symptom for pregnancy. i checked my cervix the day before and yesterday morning and it was hard and i assume low. but i also read that was a good way to check for pregnancy without taking a test since your cervix changed throughout your cycle so idk...

unless this is legit my period which i have strong feelings it is then im CD1 all over again.

idk, ill see what it is when i wake up later in the morning today and then ill be able to determine and officially log it into the app.

i can see why this is exhausting and draining for literally every woman out there and this is only my FIRST cycle TTC.

i hope we are able to do it on the day i ovulate next cycle if this is actually my period and not implantation but i seriously doubt its implantation.

and i hope i ovulate this next cycle. idk if i ovulate every month since i have PCOS.

ugh this all really fucking sucks and my heart aches 😔😔😔