My son stresses me out so much

I have a NINE year old son. He has ADHD & We tried multiple of things to help him. We tried therapists, behavior charts, prizes, punishments when misbehaving etc HE just doesn’t listen to ANYTHING. He will look at you & look as if hes listening & then turn around and do the complete opposite. I understand he’s JUST a kid, but he LIES about small things. And we just don’t understand it. He acts like my husband and I are the worst bc we ask him to do simple things like make his bed. he keeps getting poop on his hands and not washing properly when using the bathroom, he poops himself. We went to the dr. There’s nothing physically wrong with him. At this point he’s just a HEADACHE. I am a stay at home mom at the moment & the couple

Hours I get to myself, the babysitter will call me and complain at how he’s not listening to anything & will run away down the street. Slam things when he doesn’t get his way. So itll make me more stressed & my “kid free” time is ruined. I am only human & I can only take so much. I llve my son but he is making me extremely unhappy BC I been experiencing MAJOR anxiety & repeating myself & going back & forth with a 9 year old is making me worse. I understand he has ADHD but a lot of things are defiance. I never thought we would be at this point. I even questioned am I a BAD mom because of him acting this way. But I know I’m not. I would of LOVED to have a mother like myself. I only ask for simple things. I am fair. I am honest. I bust my ass to make sure my kids are GOOD.