To women who think this as well

I’m totally aware that women and a sight where the majority are women, there will be a lot of you who already know this. But this is for the women who think otherwise.

Some women are born with “innie” vulvas, and that’s referring to women or vagina owners who’s outer labia cover and keep the inner labia tucked inside or just right in the middle.

And then there’s those like me who are the opposite. I have been like this all my life. I’ve been seeing a lot of this stuff, and to my surprise ALOT OF WOMEN THINK THIS WAY TOO.

I wanna point out how dumb this is. It’s one thing to be a virgin that doesn’t know better. But there’s not much difference between having a lot of sex with your husband and having alot of sex with different men? The only difference is that there’s more than one man involved in one of those scenarios when it comes to the topic at hand. How does a lot of sex with your husband not cause this, but a lot of sex with other multiple men would? That literally makes no sense at all. So this is being said out of sheer ignorance, or just to be mean. But Incase it’s ignorance here you go.

And this too, and the caption was the one on the left was virgin and the one on the right was non virgin.

First of all, this person shouldn’t be thinking about her daughters vaginas what the fuck.

Second of all, I’ve looked more like “Taylor swift” my whole mf life.

Before I had sex, before puberty, before I even got my period and used tampons. Before I even started masturbating. I remember exploring my body parts and not thinking anything if it. I had never seen another vagina to compare it to.

I thought it normal, then I got older around 16 and started seeing shit like this and i caught boys in class making fun of women with outtie labias in porn (literally the lips of the vagina had googly eyes) and it made me feel SO bad went to the doctor lying to my mom about having a yeast infection and when I was getting examined, started asking my mom and the gynecologist for plastic surgery, flat out told them I lied about having a yeast infection and just wanted surgery to fix my body and my mom didn’t even have to speak, it was my doctor who told me “There is absolutely nothing wrong with your labia. It’s completely normal and I don’t think you need surgery at all. It’s fine the way it is.” And assured me my vagina was perfectly normal anatomically. And that’s when I started being okay with it. It’s healthy, doesn’t cause me any problems at all and is plenty loved by my SO.

I haven’t looked info surgery since then.

Secondly, penises nomatter HOW big they are cannot altar the vaginas anatomy inside or outside. Imagine thinking your peen is that powerful 🤣 if sex leaves your labia torn up I never want to have the kind of sex you are having.

The vagina on the right of the second picture has endured some kind of trauma. I’ve had a lot of sex and I have never looked like that, that’s for sure. That poor thing.

I just want people to know that the amount of sex partners you have doesn’t alter the way your vagina looks. I don’t care if you find the way it looks pleasing to the eye, or whatever. I just don’t want people to think this this is true. Leaving this because I think it’s hilarious

And off I wanna talk about how this kinda scares me as well. Personally my labia has been an outtie for as long as I remember. I remember being about 6/7 standing in my moms bathroom mirror before a bath and just looking at it, and I had no breasts or pubic hair.

Then I’ve read stories of girls starting puberty and puberty by itself changing the appearance of their labia. Imagine how mortifying it would be to be a young girl just starting puberty, going through changes and because of that you get accused of losing your virginity when you never have. Just ugh

Earlier I had the picture confused but fixed it lol