Not what I was hoping for 😑

Brittany • My handsome is due November 18th. 😍💚
So I had my check up appointment today and I'll be 40 weeks tomorrow. I'm still barely dilated but over 50% thinned. I was getting very hopeful because I've been having more/stronger contractions and a dull but painful lower back ache, the kind you get with a period. I know it could change but I hope it does soon. I wanted him to stay the full 40 weeks because it's better but it looks like he could stay a lot longer so they want to induce me next Wednesday. Fingers crossed that he comes before though! I'd love to stuff my face on Thanksgiving.... Hahaha 😁 Seriously though, I just want to meet my handsome. Anyone else in a similar situation or have one like this? I'm going to try squats anyway! 👍🏽