TTC #1 w/ Hypothyroid😔 @ 31


Hello, just needed to vent...

If anyone can relate🤷🏻‍♀️🙏🏼

Im 31, my partner is 31 also, we’ve been together for almost 13 years (not married yet tho lol)

We’ve always thought we’d get pregnant, by “surprise” or “accident” ..since more than half of our 13 years we’ve relied on the good old pull out method lol... even had a few slip ups over the years.. never resulting in pregnancy.

Once we both turned 29/30 its like i noticed everyone around me, friends! People on social media, people we went to school with, everyone in general!!... were having BABIES !! It made me wonder Why haven’t we had that wonderful oops after all these years together!?

Well, a bout a year and a half ago we started actively ttc, opks, tried bbt ( even tho im not the most consistent lol but i try )... andddddd nothing. No vvfls.. nada.

Then after some routine bloodwork from primary.. found out i have hypothyroidism and Hashimoto as well... i Started to research it.. and ding ding ding.. causes INFERTILITY !! 😧😢🤯😡🥺

After some months of finding an amazing lady Endocrinologist, she started me on 25mcgs Unithroid.. to help get my tsh levels down.. to be able to conceive! Which gave me soo much hope!!🥰

Well after 3 months of the medicine.. i received bloodwork results to see if my tsh level was in that perfect baby making range.. levels between 1 & 2.5 ... anddddd it wasn’t 😩 its at a 4.5.. and like a punch in the gut.. i felt defeated and hopeless again...

Well This morning i started my 1st new higher dose of Unithroid 50mcgs.. im praying THIS amount gets my tsh levels right... and over the next few months we can BD as much as possible and finally get our BFP!

Idk if anyone will read all this, or can relate.. but the struggle is real.. i never in my wildest dreams thought id have to work SO hard and emotionally jump through so many hoops, for something that i always thought would happen so naturally... but i wont give up, especially knowing how amazing of a father my partner will be.. we both deserve to have the chance of parenthood🙏🏼❤️🥰 we will get this BFP by the end of 2020. We will!🤞🏼🙏🏼❤️