Are these normal symptoms ?


Heya gals !

Idk if I’m overthinking or overwhelmed but I’ve had approx 8 positive tests now both digital and normal tests my period isn’t due for 2 days I found out 8dpo

I was just wondering if this is normal before a missed period

But I’ve had some intense symptoms idk if it me being dramatic but I have been having almost period like cramps & cramping in the vaginal walls

Debilitating fatigue I haven’t been able to work

Insomnia at night

Vomiting & nausea

BABY BRAIN (wort symptom so far) I’ve lost nearly all common sense 😂

Puffed out if I walk more than a few metres

Hot flushes

Back pain

Is this normal so early on ? I’m just a tad worried only cause I hear so many things that people don’t know for weeks and I’m just worried that I’m feeling all these things so soon I assumed they would come later

Sorry if this is a stupid question it’s my first pregnancy 🤰 I knew it would be full on but this is soo more intense than I ever imagined but I wouldn’t change it for the world ❤️❤️❤️