Snarky MIL comment..

Ashley • 25🧸Mommy to 1. Pregnant with baby #2! 9 months TTC🍼

Ladies we all have one. If you don’t, god are you fortunate. If you do and she’s nice, you’re damn lucky. So here I am homeschooling my 4 year old and today’s letter is C. So we’re making chocolate chip cookies from scratch. Well, I crack an egg and make a comment like “oh what did I do with the other egg shell?”. My father in law and mother in law are behind me a few feet and I hear my MIL whisper a snarky ass comment to him saying “she can crack an egg but not fertilize one” and I heard my FIL say “don’t be mean.” 😐 y’all I stg I about turned around and launched he cookie dough at her Frfr. The inner hood about to come out of me. I ain’t nice! 🤣 so me and my husband have been trying since Nov 2019🙃 every now and then I’ll get comments about baby commercials, she’ll take me to thr baby department if we’re out shopping, ya name it, she’s done it. So I’m just deadass sick of her comments while she looks pregnant herself. Like ma’am excuse me, if you ain’t fuckin me then you have zero say in my body 😘💅🏻 anyone else have a MIL like this whole TTC?! I’ve cried month after month when I get my period or a negative test. I’m done.