Opinions and insensitivity- Sooo tired of it!

I've tried to be very selective about who I discuss ttc with, and I've only told certain people. However, at the point I'm at when people ask I usually get frustrated and just say that we've been trying and nothing has happened. They usually give unsolicited advise and say the normal insensitive crap like "you're trying to hard", "don't think about it", "you're so young, so you're fine". I am so over it!!! Even on glow I just saw a post announcing a newborn. She was precious and the announcement was fine, but the caption said she had never "felt like a real woman until becoming a mom." Don't we deal with pressure and crap without someone implying we aren't real women if we can't conceive!?! And this is on a forum where many, many women are currently struggling to conceive. I am over the ignorance and insensitivity! Also, what does age have to do with anything? I'll be 27 in a few weeks and have been ttc for a year, how does my age make that any less hurtful?  I've been told that I have years left to try so even if I have issues its fine. How does that possibly make it better?!? Also I've been told that I don't need an RE because I'm too young. Infertility is infertility no matter your freaking age. The hurt, the emotion, the longing does not change based on your age. I'm so over everyone and I wish I hadn't told a single person that I was trying. Rant over.