How long did early labor last until real labor for you guys?

Unique • Baby #2 11-3-23 ❤️

Currently 34+2 and since yesterday at noon I’ve been having what felt like contractions but wasn’t sure (ftm) I literally felt them all day yesterday and even had a hard time sleeping. I woke up this morning still having these pains so I called my mom first and explained to her what was going on and what I was feeling she urged me to call the doctor as it sounded like I was in labor. I call my doctor and was told to go in. I was indeed having contractions as shown on the monitors so they checked me and I was at a 1 and plus my blood pressure was high so they ran test and they checked me again maybe 2 hours later and still at a 1 so thank God no active labor but I am in early labor. I was put on bed rest and was told they may induce me at 37 or 38 weeks due to my blood pressure. Anyone that went through something similar or went into early labor around 34 weeks, how long until you went into real labor? Currently still having contractions.