Am I wrong to think like this ?

So me and my boyfriend are two and a half years together and we have a honest relationship so we tell each other everything wich i realy love about us and I know i can trust him....

But than we have social media that in the beginning of our relationship fucked with me I saw before me that he spoke with meny other girls wich I understand and don't judge him for it was before me.

But I kind of saw a totally other person like kind of a player and he spoke about sex with other like it was nothing I was in shocked when I saw it I mean you think you met the one but than suddenly I i saw that and I thought omg who is this man I don't know him! it was disgusting I mean like fuck that's not my man believe me it was dirty and I realy had doubts about him cause I never expected see that this sweet person would ever talk like that and talk about sex with others like it's nothing like it's just a sport he even spoke with a

Few about baby's ! He was joking and says that where he comes from that they talk like that.a

Anyway past is past i get it.

But now my question he ammits that the all the 1000 girls he has on Facebook that he doesn't know maybe half of them and the other half he admits that those are trasy whores some of them worked at a stripclub and if you see his Facebook I see only pictures in his timeline of girls almost not wearing something now my problem is here I get it it's the past but can I ask him to delete them ?

It's allso I don't feel comfortable with this.

I wanna start a family with this man I want to sometimes use Facebook and add our pictures but I don't feel comfortable doing it and he doesnt use Facebook or has it in his phone cause he gets me and he knows it reminds me of all those messages he had I get it again its his past but I think he can delete them or am I wrong ?