Help need advice?

So I've been seeing this guy for three weeks. I've been single for almost 2 years now, and I actually loved being single.

I've been seeing him quite regularly, we stay at each other's places probably twice a week or so. While I do like him, I still feel like I'm not ready to jump into a relationship yet.

Today he suddenly asked me, "are we a couple?"

I replied, "well technically"

He just said, "Oh just because everyone's been wondering what we are but we never talk about it"

I mean we do couple things, we go on dates, have sex, and introduce each other to some of our friends but I still feel like I'm not ready to be known as someone's girlfriend. Idk if I don't wanna be committed or what. Just that making it official/labelling it makes it real.

I'm not seeing anyone else, or have any intentions to, and putting a label doesn't really change anything we do but the thought of it is kind of off putting for me. Advice?