October baby turned into August baby😭🥺


So I went into my OB appointment on 08/27/2020 at 1:00pm. And I was having some light cramping. Definitely now I know they were contractions but not enough to show up on the monitor at the office. Anyways they took my blood pressure and it was super high, high enough for me to have to be monitored at the hospital, and from there my blood pressure got worse enough for them to need to transfer me to a hospital with a NICU to be induced at 34weeks☹️. I’m currently 5cm got the epidural two hours ago, now waiting on what the doctor has to say about my possible breaking my water for me to speed things up. I’m really nervous about my baby being healthy and what not. They say she’s doing great and taking the contractions like a pro but I just don’t know how she’ll do on the outside. Please pray for me and baby and for a speedy recovery! I can’t wait to see my baby girl tho. 🥰😭