Feeling Nervous!!

Candice ivf mama of 2 💕💙

Went to my 36 week appointment this morning and had our last growth scan. My sweet girl is measuring 40w4d and weighs 6lbs 15oz. I have a very small pelvic opening and because she’s already 7lbs we are scheduling a c-section for 39 weeks later today. I’m glad to have a plan but am nervous 😬!! Im scared of the recovery and what it will be like to not labor. I’m worried that I’m not making the right choice and that I will regret not having the experience of laboring and taking it away from my husband as well. We had such a hard time conceiving ( she’s our <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> miracle), that I want this to be everything he wanted. My goal is to just get her here safely. I just feel overwhelmed and could use a little support.