Is your SO lazy? Edit

My boyfriend is so lazy. :( He has no drive or motivation to do anything other than get high and sit on the couch with his phone or Xbox and he’s 36. Yes, he works, but it’s not labor work and he only works once or twice a week due to Covid. I have to beg him to help me around the apartment. I asked him to change a faucet over a year ago and he never did so I said that I would do it and he said I might break the whole piping system. That instilled doubt in me so here I am hiring someone to do it. Everything is a drag to him. I always have to wash the cars or again repeatedly ask him to. Even going out seems to annoy him. Before Covid we hardly went anywhere anymore (we did in the beginning of our relationship but once we moved in together things changed). Prior to meeting him I had so many aspirations to travel, be adventurous, and experience new things with my future partner, but he now tells me he’d rather be home. I know this is going to read terribly, but I see so many hardworking and motivated men and I wish my man was like them. :( I know it’s not a deal breaker, but it’s definitely frustrating and tiring. Can anyone relate or have tips?

EDIT: I can’t help but agree with every single comment posted thus far. 😭 However, I guess I said it’s not a deal breaker YET because 1) I do love and care for him, although it is being affected by his drive, or lack there of 2) He’s never bad to me, just lazy in every way 3) We have a baby together, and although that’s not an excuse to stay, I keep telling myself things will change. Also, if he doesn’t smoke pot he’s in very grumpy mood, so our situation is way worse without it.