Breast lump😥


Hey guys so I found a lump on my breast at 25 weeks (I am now 27 weeks and 5 days)

I have never had lumps or bumps on my breast.. as soon as I noticed it, I had my OB check, he said that it was round and hard which he didn’t like, so he had me get an ultrasound, when the tech and her doc looked at it, they said that it was round, hard and Benign (non cancerous) and that in 6 months we will re check it. Well my OB said there’s no way he’s waiting 6 months, he said he still doesn’t like how hard it is, so he is checking to see if it grew any, next week. He told me it’s better to play it safe then sorry. I am 23 and this is my first baby, my OB said that for my age and being pregnant it is very rare to get breast cancer... but that we need to stay on top of it.

Have you guys had any experience with this? Could this be something else other then cancer? Even though it’s hard?

Please be honest with me, don’t hold any info back:)! Thank you guys so much.