Having a hard time, no judgment please 🥺

Hi! Yesterday was 8 weeks for me & ive given up a lot for our baby bean. I’ve stopped any type of nicotine after smoking for over a year, muscle relaxers (i have chronic headaches and that’s the only thing that helped me) sleeping medicine (insomnia) caffeine, but im having the hardest time giving up weed & i know it’s bad. I dont need the “you’re a shitty mom” in the comments, I need help.. It’s the only thing that helps me actually want to eat and keep anything down and actually able to go to sleep at night. I will go all day not eating because i feel so bad and only want to eat when i smoke.. In my state if your baby test positive after birth they take the baby away. i’ve already planned on stopping by 5 months, i just need some help :(