Am I wrong or is he wrong??!!

My fiance keeps borrowing out his scooter without me even knowing about it. He told me twice before that he wont borrow it out as he promised me. 🤔🤔

Now a keychain I bought him for his bday is just gone and missing after some girl borrowed his schooter and he doesn't even ask her or looks sad or concerned 😰

I told him no. It's our transport. What if it breaks or they break it how do we get around then. He said he will fix it then.

So I said I'm going to give his tv away and the fridge just to see what he says and he said no its mine. So I said exactly..... the schooter is ours so why borrow it out.

Now his so upset with me. He speaks to me like I'm shit! I gave him the ring back until he can prove to me he can treat me better!