Just wanted to say hi and see how everyone is doing!


Hi everyone! How is everything going? I'd love to hear updates!

Daphne just turned 8 months yesterday. It is mind boggling just how quickly time is going and how much my baby has grown. After not rolling for what seemed like an eternity, she finally figured it out but now will not spend 1 second doing tummy time, instead she just rolls out of it. 🤦‍♀️ I am thinking she will not be much of a crawler. She absolutely loves all the food we give her. She is definitely a mama's girl (though she finds daddy hilarious!)Her top teeth are in the process of cutting. We are beginning to transition her into her nursery. So many bittersweet moments... someone said to me the other day that "motherhood is just a series of letting go" and though it is true, I don't like it! Lol. I'm loving motherhood though and wouldn't have it any other way ❤