Another mother in law rant


I’ve posted on here a couple of times about my MIL. To keep the back story short she doesn’t know boundaries and she likes to insert herself into things that don’t involve her. She’s very emotionally needy and I’m my opinion overly obsessed with her son and now her grandchild. So the latest thing that’s happened is she came over to our house to drop off some clothes and hangers for the baby, which we really appreciate. However, when she got here she started putting ALL of my daughters clothes on the hangers and arranging the outfits without asking. This seems really small and some might not understand, but I just wanted to cry when I saw her doing that because it’s something I was excited about doing by myself for my daughter. I should have said something but in the moment I was just feeling so defeated and I didn’t want to start a conflict so I let her do it. My husband didn’t think anything of it and when I brought it up later he said he was sorry about it but didn’t really understand why I was upset because it was something so small. Am I over reacting about it or would you guys feel similar about the situation?